Kiwi Kids Education Foundation is an initiative of Safe Kids in Daily Supervision Ltd (sKids) – New Zealand’s largest private Out of School Care provider.
Through our work providing care for thousands of children throughout New Zealand every day it is clear that although New Zealand is acknowledged as a great place to work and live that this statement is not true for everyone. However through our franchisees, their staff and other interested parties we can play a powerful role in creating positive social change in our communities.
Whilst we cannot hope to solve all society’s problems, sKids through the Kiwi Kids Education Foundation is in a position to use our brand, our connections and our supplier network to make a powerful contribution to our corner of the world by positively supporting initiatives that give a hand up to those in need.
Why should we care?
- Access to childcare in all its forms is essential to many households today
- Working parents need access to nurturing, supportive care for their children
- Well supported and cared for children are the employees and employers of tomorrow
- Education is pivotal to strengthening communities
- Education can take many forms – in-school, after-school, music, sports, art etc.